Meet Our Supporters

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Mercury supports the Hatchery by providing solar panels and backup battery power for our incubators. This is crucial in providing the incubators with secure electricity in case of a power outage, ensuring we can keep the incubators going and the kiwi eggs warm. Mercury also sponsors the Kiwi Intensive Care Unit. Mercury gifted the ICU building and helped us establish this on-site. 

Thank you so much Mercury for all of your wonderful help and for helping us save Kiwi!


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Yates has partnered with the National Kiwi Hatchery for over a decade. Yates supply all of the sphagnum moss for the kiwi brooder boxes giving our kiwi chicks somewhere comfy to sleep and fossick around looking for bugs.

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Portacom supports the National Kiwi Hatchery by donating a space to welcome our manuhiri. 

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Kiwi Designer Homes has supported the Hatchery for many years. With every house Kiwi Designer Home sold, they donate money towards sponsoring a kiwi chick for the new owners!


Contiki bring tour groups through the Hatchery regularly. Contiki sponsors two kiwi chicks each year.

AAT Kings

AAT Kings bring their international tour groups to visit the National Kiwi Hatchery and also support our work by sponsoring two kiwi chicks each year.

Abercrombie & Kent

Abercrombie and Kent are longtime supporters of the National Kiwi Hatchery. They sponsor 2 kiwi chicks each year and their tour groups visit the Hatchery.

Massey University

Massey University are a strong supporter of the National Kiwi Hatchery assisting us with expert veterinary advice, and developing the food mix we feed the kiwi chicks.

VetPlus provide subsidised, expert medical care to ensure the health and well-being of Kiwi in our care.